The Pavlovic Today – Uka Winery’s Founder Flori Uka: The man without dreams is a man without wings

Founder of Uka Winery and co-founder of organic Uka Farm and farm-to-table restaurant , Flori Uka, talks to The Pavlovic Today about his family business and Albania’s heritage of unique wines. When Flori Uka, an Albanian entrepreneur, decided to return to his home country after graduating in winemaking from the Agricultural University of Udine, he … Read more

Flori Uka tregon sekretet e verës, që nga ruajtja e deri tek shijimi i saj!

Flori Uka, professional winemaker and sommelier

Flori UKA, somelieri i mirënjohur shqiptar ndan me miqtë e tij virtual në Vanto, disa nga sekretet e shijimit të duhur të verës. Nëpërmjet pyetjeve tona kemi arritur të zbulojmë disa teknika profesionale rreth kësaj pije kaq të veçantë dhe të dashur në tryezat e gjithë familjeve shqiptare. Read more in

Albania: il nido degli autoctoni

Flori Uka, professional winemaker and sommelier

Non solo spiagge dorate e vacanze low cost dall’altro lato dell’Adriatico. Il Paese delle aquile è infatti regno di antichissime tradizioni adagiate su uno stile rurale, vitigni autoctoni e piccole produzioni pronte a far breccia nel mercato globale. Siamo andati a scovarle in lungo e in largo per il Paese fino a ritrovarle, riunite sotto … Read more

The Guardian – Albania’s wine renaissance

The country’s wine industry has an image problem – even within Albania. But a new generation of winemakers are digging deep into their native grape stock, with impressive results The only place on Earth where you can drink a glass of chilled ceruja is at Uka Farm, a biodynamic vineyard and restaurant near Tirana airport. … Read more

Frankfurter Rundschau – Bio business in Albania

Whoever hears of Albania thinks of mafia and poverty. A few young winegrowers want to change that. From the terrace, the view sweeps over the town at the foot of the mountain range that separates Albania from Macedonia. The sun sinks behind the peaks, the moment seems perfect. Is there Albanian wine? “Wine?” The man … Read more

Nippy Wine – Tour to the Albanian Wine and Uka Farm | Nippy Wine

Albanian Wine is another name of high tannic history. If you are remembering about an oldest wine manufacturing region then, I would prefer telling the name of Albania first. Astrological research suggests that geographically Albania is the oldest wine manufacturing region in Europe. Albanian Wine HistoryThe country has four wine region located separately in the … Read more

Welt – Europe’s wild east

Corruption, crime and a lack of environmental awareness shaped the image of Albania for a long time. But the Balkan state is on the move. Cautious tourism should now advance the country – and emphasize its great advantage There are three things insects are attracted to, explains Flori Uka, banging his fist on the metal … Read more

Vincarta – What is Albanian wine like?

Here at Chateau Vincarta, we like to get adventurous. We’re champions of premium Romanian wine. Our roving correspondent, Ioana Negulescu, wrote about Georgian wine after her visit there in 2018. And we’ll die in a ditch for Riesling. But what about Albanian wine? Never tried it? Neither had we. Uka Winery and the Albanian wine … Read more
