Uka Wine - Our Philosophy

“Biodiversity is life, homogeneity is death.”


Important Milestones

2005 – Founding Uka Wine

In the year 2005, Uka Wine was born, founded by Flori Uka, a visionary and the representative of the first generation of winemakers in the Uka family. Our homeland, with its favorable climate, craggy mountains, rolling hills, verdant valleys, and awe-inspiring biodiversity and microclimates, held the promise of producing high-quality grape varieties. Flori’s dream was to craft exceptional Albanian wine, utilizing the country’s endemic grapes, and to introduce the world to the hidden gems of our local terroir. With boundless determination, he set out to transform this vision into a reality.

2005 - Founding Uka Wine

A Collaborative Cooperative

At Uka Wine, we believe that the journey to greatness is best shared. Flori’s vision extended beyond his own ambitions; he envisioned a collaborative approach to building a highly efficient cooperative. Our project was multifaceted, involving the creation of a vast network of collaborations with local families who share our passion for viniculture. Together, we embarked on a mission to identify and preserve the incredible diversity of endemic grapes from various corners of Albania. This endeavor resulted in the establishment of a remarkable database, preserving the richness of our native vines. The ultimate goal of this collaborative effort is to create a living museum of Albanian wine, where visitors from all walks of life can experience the essence of Albania in a glass. 

Gathering quality grapes from Albanian villages.

Albania on the World Wine Map

At Uka Wine, our journey is far from complete. We are on a mission to put Albania firmly on the global wine map. We aspire to become a role model for new generations, encouraging them to safeguard the invaluable local grape varieties that define our winemaking identity. By promoting sustainable agriculture, we aim to ensure that the benefits of our land continue to flourish and inspire. Uka Wine invites you to share in our passion, savor the flavors of Albania in every sip, and join us in our mission to celebrate and preserve the rich heritage of our winemaking legacy. Together, we’ll continue to raise a glass to the past, the present, and the promising future of Albanian wine.

Albania on the World Wine Map.


We offer a great variety of red and wine Albanian wines for every price point and any occasion!
